Art History Tutors in the Berkeley Area

Found 14 tutors, displaying 1-14
Call Now To Set Up Tutoring: (800) 416-5954
Oakland, CA
$75 / hour
I am a professional photographer in Oakland, CA. I have an MFA and a BA in photography and work in both digital and film mediums. In my work, I am equally at home shooting wedding and special event photography as I am with fine art. I shoot many self portraits. I teach classes and private...
In-person + Online
View Felicia K. Profile
Oakland, CA
$60 / hour
Ali Y is an expert of the Turkish language with a deep knowledge of every aspect of its culture and history. A number of professional experiences have qualified me for tutoring Turkish. Let me tell you a bit about my qualifications and experiences in teaching language: Over the past eight...
View Ali Yagiz S. Profile
San Francisco, CA
$50 / hour
Today, I am a communications strategist working for a Big Four firm. I craft strategic messages in long and short form deliverables, and coach teams to deliver compelling presentations to clients. Before my move into business, I was a passionate, experienced, and accomplished educator and...
In-person + Online
View Kat H. Profile
San Francisco, CA
$250 / hour
I enjoy the whole process from brainstorming potential college paths to being part of the successful journeys my students make in the world. With experience living abroad in several countries and 23+ years in education, I bring both the skills and perspective to helping my students create and...
In-person + Online
View Christine B. Profile
Oakland, CA
$125 / hour
Hello! I am an extremely motivated, compassionate, and very organized language instructor and tutor, with multiple specialized degrees, and a passion for languages, literature, and learning. As an undergraduate at Bryn Mawr College, I triple majored in French, Spanish, and Italian. I received...
In-person + Online
View Alani H. Profile
Walnut Creek, CA
$60 / hour
I have over twenty years experience tutoring languages. I tutor English, Spanish, French, Italian and German. I have excellent references; and I have lived in Europe and in Mexico. I tutor beginners, as well as intermediate and advanced levels. I have studied these languages for many years; and I...
View Karina S. Profile
Castro Valley, CA
$60 / hour
I have extensive teaching and tutoring experience in Latin— I am currently in my fourth year teaching middle school and elementary school Latin. I love working with Latin students of all ages, to help them understand and find joy in learning Latin. I believe that, with the right support, a...
View Caitlin H. Profile
Alameda, CA
$50 / hour
Hi there! I'm an engineer working at a Bay-Area nuclear design company. I have a passion for teaching, and want to find ways to help you learn what you need to faster and easier in a method that is tailored to you. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in Nuclear...
In-person + Online
View Michael Z. Profile
San Francisco, CA
$65 / hour
With the 2010-2011 school year, Mr. P celebrated his twentieth year as a teacher with the Alameda Unified School District and twenty-two years in the profession, having taught in both high school and middle school. A former Teacher of the Year, now retired from the Alameda Unified School...
In-person + Online
View James P. Profile
San Francisco, CA
$55 / hour
Greetings! I proudly educate as a tutor, teacher, and school administrator with state credentials. I am a UC Berkeley grad with my BA in English and my MA in Educational Leadership (Principal Leadership Institute). I earned my teaching credential with Tulane University. Even though I...
View Stephen B. Profile
San Leandro, CA
$100 / hour
Dr. Jeffrey was a university lecturer and tutor from 2003-2017. He has helped students of all ages, including secondary school, college, postgraduate, and executive clients. From 2020-22, he helped almost 30 students get selected for a distinction by The New York Times and three students to win...
In-person + Online
View Jeffrey N. Profile
Daly City, CA
$75 / hour
I started oil painting at age 9 and a little later also took up dry pastel. I was winning district competitions almost immediately and as I got better, placed state-wide. I began commissioned works before I started high school: mostly portraits. While in high school, I assisted the Art Teacher...
View Xenia J. Profile
Alameda, CA
$60 / hour
Hi there and thank you for visiting my tutoring page! I'm a passionate, lifelong learner with a strong belief that each and every person should have access to the education of their choosing. I graduated with a B.A. in English Literature and Letters at San Francisco State University in 2011...
In-person + Online
View Hannah C. Profile
Walnut Creek, CA
$65 / hour
My mission is to provide every learner with a quality learning experience. I strive to create a safe, nurturing and developmentally appropriate environment, which fosters individual needs. I believe in empowering learners by offering them opportunities to make decisions and solve problems...
In-person + Online
View Maria G. Profile

UC Berkeley Art History Tutors

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